stack number

英 [stæk ˈnʌmbə(r)] 美 [stæk ˈnʌmbər]

网络  叠加次数



  1. Often, as work items such as requirements come off the stack for implementation in the current iteration, an equal or greater number of work items are added back to the stack.
  2. Instead, lua_pcall() takes as arguments the number of stack arguments to pass to the code it is about to execute, the number of results to expect back, and optionally an error handler.
  3. ESP or the top of the stack stores the number of command line arguments supplied to a program, which is1 by default ( for no command line arguments).
  4. For instance, take the case of a SOAP stack: A SOAP message may be processed by a number of handlers prior to being consumed by the service to which it is addressed.
  5. Given a stack of business cards, you will see that they present different data: some include a fax number or company URL, others a mailing address, or two telephone numbers, or even a Twitter handle.
  6. Navigates backward in the navigation stack by the specified number of entries.
  7. Conformance testing of Bluetooth protocol stack is the first step for interoperability among products from a number of different manufacturers.
  8. Algorithm for Solving the Problem of Stack Using Nonlinear Cycle Number Sequence
  9. This paper presents an algorithm for solving the problems of stack by means of nonlinear cycle number sequence, which is of pragmatic value for studying the nature of stack and seeking the solution to the stack output sequence.
  10. Specimen Stack Room is an important link in the literacy resources allocation system in libraries. With the coming of the new situation including information society and the increasing number of enrollment by combining other schools, specimen stack room shows its strong vitality with its unique service function.
  11. A fuel cell stack constitute of a number of single fuel cells in series, usually used to get the high voltage; and more than one fuel cell stack in parallel form the power generation system to reach a large power.
  12. In this paper, the thickness vibration of the piezoelectric ceramic stack consisting of a number of identical piezoelectric ceramic thin rings is analyzed and its electro-mechanical equivalent circuit is obtained. The resonance frequency equation for the sandwich piezoelectric ceramic ultrasonic transducer in thickness vibration is derived.